Same Day Appointments Possible
No Physician Referral Required
Most Insurance Plans Accepted
in Archdale, Greensboro and Siler City, NC
Our goal at Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation is to get you back to activities that matter most to you.
This includes assisting you in returning to your favorite hobbies, sports, and day-to-day activities!
Our physical therapists are highly skilled experts who specialize in muscle & joint problems, neurological conditions, and pediatric diagnoses.
You’ll experience a thorough initial evaluation and a custom treatment plan to help you achieve your personal goals.
Thanks to our cutting-edge technologies and methods, we are confident in our ability to meet all of your rehabilitation needs.
You’ll see the same physical therapist each visit.
Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation | |
Immediate Appointments Available: | Yes |
No Facility Fees: | Yes |
Warm, Caring Private Practice: | Yes |
One-on-One Treatment with Your Therapist: | Yes |
Dry Needling: | Yes |
Muscle, Joint, & Orthopedic Specialists: | Yes |
Pediatric Specialists: | Yes |
Parkinson’s LSVT BIG Program: | Yes |
Free Discovery Visit: | Yes |
Most Affordable: | Yes |
Corporate | |
Immediate Appointments Available: | Maybe |
No Facility Fees: | Maybe |
Warm, Caring Private Practice: | No |
One-on-One Treatment with Your Therapist: | Maybe |
Dry Needling: | Maybe |
Muscle, Joint, & Orthopedic Specialists: | Maybe |
Pediatric Specialists: | Maybe |
Parkinson’s LSVT BIG Program: | No |
Free Discovery Visit: | No |
Most Affordable: | No |
Hospital | |
Immediate Appointments Available: | No |
No Facility Fees: | No |
Warm, Caring Private Practice: | No |
One-on-One Treatment with Your Therapist: | Maybe |
Dry Needling: | Maybe |
Muscle, Joint, & Orthopedic Specialists: | Maybe |
Pediatric Specialists: | Maybe |
Parkinson’s LSVT BIG Program: | No |
Free Discovery Visit: | No |
Most Affordable: | No |