Are You In Need Of A Fall Prevention Program?
Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Wants To Get Siler City, Archdale and Greensboro, NC Moving Again!
Have you ever felt unsteady while walking, as if you might fall? Have you ever tripped and had to grab a nearby railing or piece of furniture to catch yourself? Are you worried that a fall will cause you harm? If so, a fall prevention program at Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation in Siler City, Archdale and Greensboro, NC may be beneficial to you.
Unfortunately, most people do not consider maintaining their balance until it is too late and they have taken a significant fall. The good news is that most falls can be avoided by exercising your balance system regularly.
Risk Factors For Falls
Some people have a higher risk of falling than others. Certain risk factors include:
- Living a sedentary life
- Overall poor health
- Heart disease
- Advanced age
- Problems with vision
- Problems with walking or staying balanced
- Diabetes
- Previous stroke or heart attack
- Arthritis or alternative joint pain
- Fatigue
- Vertigo or dizziness
- Being female
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Previous history of falls
Our Siler City, Archdale and Greensboro, NC physical therapist will review your medical history to identify any risk factors you may have, and then explain how this impacts your treatment and how you can reduce your fall risk. Your therapist will then perform a thorough physical examination to determine the best treatment plan for you.
What Can I Expect From A Fall Prevention Program In Siler City, Archdale and Greensboro, NC?
Your initial physical exam at Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation may include vision tests, resting, and active heart rate checks, gait, balance, range of motion, and strength tests. Based on the results of these exams, our physical therapist will create a personalized treatment plan for you.
Common therapeutic methods you may encounter in your treatment plans include:
Strength training
Our physical therapist will design a strength training program for you that will focus on specific muscle groups that need to be strengthened. This will improve your standing and walking balance, as well as your ability to recover from a fall.
Balance training
As part of your treatment plan, you may be required to perform specific balance-based exercises, such as standing on one leg or maintaining your balance while performing an intellectually demanding task (such as reciting the alphabet or reading a page from a book.)
Pain management
Your treatment plan will address any pain you are experiencing as quickly as possible.
Endurance training
Our physical therapist will create an aerobic training program for you that will gradually become more demanding as your stamina improves.
Walking and moving programs
This section of your treatment plan is dedicated to restoring your normal physical function when walking and/or moving. Your physical therapist may instruct you to walk in a circle or complete an obstacle course to build up your balance.
Find Stability Again With Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
At Resolve Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation our number one goal is to help you fight off fall risk and regain confidence in your balance. If you are ready to improve your balance and lower your risk of a fall-related injury, contact our Siler City, Archdale and Greensboro, NC physical therapy clinic to request an appointment and get started today!